river bluff kids

In our children's ministry, we work to help children gain an understanding of the following 4 Truths:

  1. We can go to God with anything at any time in PRAYER.
  2. There is something that is unchanging, true, and applicable to our everyday lives and that is THE BIBLE.
  3. God is at work all around the world and invites us to join Him in it through MISSIONS and OUTREACH.
  4. God created us for RELATIONSHIP with Him and others.

Sunday Mornings

Classrooms are open to children, birth through 6th grade during our 9:30 am service. Our incredible team of Kids Crew Volunteers are dedicated to facilitating Biblically-based, engaging, and developmentally appropriate experiences for River Bluff Kids!

River Bluff Kids are invited to experience the good news of Jesus Christ through The Gospel Project Curriculum from Lifeway Ministries. All kids from toddlers through 6th grade hear the same Bible story on Sunday mornings, and then “dig in and unpack it” through games, activities, and conversation. This streamlined curriculum allows families to easily continue the conversation at home throughout the week!

Wednesday Nights

We had an awesome Spring 2024 MidWeek session and will be on break until we begin our Fall 2024 MidWeek session, toward the end of September.  There's something for everyone, and we'd love to have you join us on Wednesday nights again this Fall!

Please contact Megan Cardwell at Megan@RiverBluffFellowship.com if you have any questions. 

meet our team

Meet Megan and Dana, our Children’s Ministry staff!  They serve alongside more than 70 incredible volunteers (called the Kids Crew) to care for our families at River Bluff.  Their top priorities are to make sure our children know Jesus loves them and that they have a wonderful community of Believers at our church who love them & are here for them.  Our team looks forward to meeting and serving your family!

meet our kids crew

There is no way to truly measure the value of our Kids Crew volunteers, other than by experiencing the amount of love & dedication they pour into our children and families!  We couldn't be more blessed by our team of servant-hearted volunteers, and are thankful for them EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  

Their constant support allows us the opportunity to do the wonderful things God has called us to do in our children's ministry at River Bluff!  

They are our heroes.  Thank you, Kids Crew!!

Ministry Highlights

Our River Bluff Kids ministry is active throughout the year with many options for

your child & family to get involved!  

Here are just a few possibilities to check out.  

Please contact MEGAN CARDWELL for additional information!

  • Midweek

    During our MidWeek sessions, we have something for everyone on Wednesday nights, including groups for kiddos in Kindergarten-6th grade, and childcare for our infant-Pre-K kiddos.  This semester, we'll be learning about Heroes of the Bible!  We would love to have your family join us on Wednesday nights this winter & spring from 6;30-8:00pm.

    Our MidWeek session is February 5 - April 30, and we will take a break on March 19th for spring break.  We hope your family will join us!

  • quarters for missions

    Our BIG yellow gumball machine in the Kids Lobby gets a weekly visit from most of our kiddos!  At the end of each year, we take all of the proceeds and choose a mission or ministry to bless.  

    Over the last few years, our kiddos have raised around $1,200!  They voted to use that money to bless 3 children in the Springfield area with brand new bicycles, as well as purchase hundreds of items to fill our Operation Christmas Child boxes.  These kids are incredible and have the BIGGEST hearts...what a blessing to us all!

    We have recently given our gumball machine a major makeover!  Now, instead of gumballs, our kiddos can use their quarters to collect a variety of SquishLand critters, patterned bouncy balls, and some awesome River Bluff Kids capsules filled with specialty prizes (including Andy's gift cards)!

  • Family worship sunday

    Each 5-Sunday-month will have one Sunday designated as Family Worship Sunday!  We invite our 1st-6th grade kiddos to worship with their family in the sanctuary on this day.  We believe one of the best ways to "train them up", is to model this time of worship for our kids.  It is a blessing for our church to get to worship alongside our kids in "big church" as well!  

    On these special Sundays, we incorporate kid-friendly things, such as: helping lead worship with our worship team, kids and students sharing announcements & the life passage from the stage, fun clipboards with children's sermon notes and activity sheets that go along with the sermon, and of course, a special snack!  

    Our next Family Worship Sunday will be March 16th.  More details to come!

  • SPARK Kids camp

    We had another AMAZING experience at SPARK Kids Camp this year, and can't wait to return!!!  Our kids who have completed 3rd-6th grade at the end of the school year are invited to attend SPARK Kids Camp with us!  

    SAVE THE DATE:  Our 2025 SPARK Kids Camp will be held on June 2-5!

    We will host an informational meeting for parents (& kids who are interested in going to camp this year) on Sunday, March 2nd, after service.  

  • family-style vbs

    This one keeps growing, and has become a "fan favorite" in our children's ministry!  We invite our families to join together for a picnic dinner, fellowship, skits, crafts, large group games, snacks, a Bible teaching, worship...and a TON OF FUN!!  We'd love for your family to join us next Summer for a memorable, and one-of-a-kind VBS experience!  Save the dates: August 3-5, 2025

  • Back-to-school ice cream party

    Our annual ice cream party is another amazing opportunity for families to have fellowship and connect on the front lawn of the kids wing before we head back to school in August.  If you have a child in school, are a student/teacher/administrator/support staff/school resource officer/coach, or want to celebrate those who are, we'd LOVE to have you join us for this awesome event!  We circle up as a church family and pray specifically for each of those groups listed above.  Then we have the biggest ice cream sundaes & smiles around!  

  • Operation Christmas child Packing party

    This one isn't just for the kids!!  OCC has held a special place in River Bluff's heart for many years.  We have a "Christmas in July" drive, when we collect "WOW items".  We collect all other items (as well as monetary donations) throughout the Fall MidWeek semester, in order to gather everything we need for our big churchwide packing party we do each year!

    This year's event was amazing!  Our church family generously donated items to fill 286 Christmas boxes for kids around the world!  We are already thinking through and planning ways to make collection and packing in 2025 even smoother!  

  • MidWeek Christmas Party

    On December 4th, we had a BLAST with our 4 yr olds-6th graders at our MidWeek Christmas Party!  Kids wore jammies while we played Christmas-themed games, made a Christmas craft, had special treats & a Christmas-themed sing-along.  It was a ton of fun!  

  • Rollin' with Jesus into 2025!

    Tons of families came out in January for a night of FUN and FELLOWSHIP at Springfield Skateland...and it was AWESOME!  We are thankful for this churchwide event, and opportunity for our church family to connect.  

Connect with us

Follow us on Instagram @RiverBluffKids

NEW in 2024!!  Pick up a copy of our monthly River Bluff Kids newsletter at the

kids check-in desk!

Check out our magnetic info boards in the kids lobby and upstairs kids hallway for more information, weekly lesson "take home" sheets and announcements!

Email Megan if you'd like to be added to our parent emails!